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el Centro de partes Arlington Toyota

Filtro de Cabina TOYOTA


Toyota cabin air filters do a remarkable job of helping to remove undesirables like soot, dust and pollen out of the passenger compartment, and help with a more comfortable environment for you and your passengers. But if you've noticed reduced airflow from the heater vents, it may be time to replace your cabin air filter. Toyota cabin air filters are designed specifically for your vehicle and offer excellent filtering from the elements. For added benefit, Toyota offers a premium cabin air filter. In addition to all the benefits of a standard cabin air filter, the Toyota premium cabin air filter has active charcoal to help neutralize odor. Need your Toyota cabin air filter installed? Our Toyota-trained technicians right here in Jacksonville at Arlington Toyota can quickly install your Toyota cabin air filter for you.

Several Toyota cabin air filters.
Arlington Toyota Cabin Air Filter
¿Por qué utilizar filtros de cabina Toyota originales?
  • Fabricado según las especificaciones de Toyota para un mejor ajuste y un rendimiento superior
  • Carbon Activado neutraliza olores
¿Con qué frecuencia deben revisarse los filtros?
  • Los Filtros deberían ser checados en cada servicio programado
¿Por qué es importante?
  • Mantiene el Aire de la Cabina fresco
  • Reduce la exposición a alergénicos

¿Necesitas un Filtro de Aire Nuevo?

¡Ordena hoy mismo tu nuevo filtro de cabina Toyota original!

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